Tuesday, September 24, 2013

An unexpected surprise.

   "A man in Somers, N.Y., hatched a plan to catch the individual responsible for allegedly stealing his pro-gun signs repeatedly from his front yard. He bought a trail cam, set it up near the sign — and then waited.
When he learned that his sign had been taken yet again, he was elated because he knew he had finally caught the person responsible on camera.
He just didn’t expect that person to be a uniformed police officer."


  1. At least we know that the Somers NY Police have their hearts in the right place.

  2. Contact the District Attorney, file theft charges. If the DA declines to prosecute, notify the media and commence civil theft action. Usually there are triple damages and attorney fees provisions but I cannot be sure because all states are different.

  3. Lawsuit time. Press charges. Make an example. aka. Do unto them what they would do unto you. Hammer them.

  4. I wonder if the town council put the policeman up to it? From the article, it seems there might have been a dispute over ordinances on what and where he could post a sign, and maybe, being a smallish town, someone in authority just told the cop to pull it down.

    There might be more to this story.

    1. I suspect that there is a local ordnance authorizing sign removal. The guy that is posting the signs is likely a wing nut.
